What does legacy mean to you?

I had a conversation recently with a family member after she visited my blog. She had read an earlier article I wrote about “Moving Forward,” where I mentioned “Legacy” as the name of the first kids collection of our M&T Fashion line.

She asked me, “What does legacy mean to you”?

I have been thinking about my legacy a lot over the past two years. Recently, I have thought about it even more with the numerous deaths that have impacted me whether directly or indirectly. I don’t remember what my exact answer was at the time, but she had me thinking that evening.


Photo credit: Skitterphoto

What legacy means to me

To me, legacy is much more than money and material things. It is how I will be remembered when I am no longer here.

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Legacy is the trail that I’m leaving behind; it is my children. It is every person who learned something of value from me. It is every life I touched. It is the values I live by, my character. It is the memories people have of me. My legacy is the impact that I have on the people around me, my community. It is how I show up in the world.


Photo credit: Pixabay

What do I want my legacy to be?

Our passage on this earth is temporary. We don’t know when our number will be called.

One day, when I’m longer here, I want to be remembered as a woman of integrity. Someone who treated people with kindness. A fighter who lived wholeheartedly and was not afraid to be vulnerable and to walk towards her fears. A woman of faith who was continually working on improving herself, and inspired the people around her to live life fully and freely.  A fellow human being who did her best to uplift her community. A child who honored her parents, a loving wife, an exceptional mother, and a sister to many.


Photo credit: Bich Tran

I want my legacy to be an uplifting story of love, authenticity, growth, and impact.

What do you want your legacy to be?

We have a responsibility to live up to the legacy of those who came before us by doing  all  that we can to help those who come after usMichelle Obama